MindWare v0.1.1 Public Release (Online Only)

Version 0.1.1 of MindWare is now available!

-> http://playmindware.com/ <-

Here’s what’s new:

  • Expenses are now stored and manipulated more intelligently.
  • Added Community Zone and Panacea Clinic in the navigation hub (in Chapter 1).
  • Navigation hub “Go Back” links now work as they should.
  • GitGud now has a hub passage.
  • AI coding assistant becomes available when you work at BrainFry for the first time since your infection.
  • You can talk with Yuki about your surgery.
  • You can talk with Xavier about your surgery. This leads to a side mission (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET).
  • There’s a chance that Xavier will be “busy” when you visit him at GitGud.
  • Added a few post-surgery linear passages.
  • PornNexus website is now available (NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET).
  • BrainFry and GitGud dialogs now display in the right order (newest first).
  • The prank mission now becomes available on day 4 of the open section of Chapter 1.
  • Relationship status change messages are more informative.
  • The Notifications box now displays available ByteBunker jobs instead of hacking targets.

The story continues! With your Steady Synapse VX implant installed, you can now finally resume your life and see whether it can contain AVA.

To experience all new content, I recommend you use the Quick Start menu to start from the open section of Chapter 1. Later this week, I will publish a walkthrough so that you can easily see what content is and isn’t available in the game.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to address many reported bugs in this version because my work life has been keeping me too busy again. If you’ve already reported a bug and it’s still in the game, please give me until the next release to fix it. If you notice a new bug (one that isn’t caused by using an old save) – please report it right away!

Thank you for your continued support!

Get MindWare - Infected Identity


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lo admito fue algo bonito ver el aviso de la 0.1.1 aunque aun no la he probado estoy seguro por las buenas mecanicas que el juego desarollara a futuro que me va a gustar

A bit weird getting two updates notification at the same time (0.1.0  and 0.1.1). And i'll stick around to watch here this game goes, hopefully this project isn't a major bother to your work life, as this is just a game.


I forgot to create a devlog post for 0.1.0, and I didn’t want there to be a gap when publishing the one for 0.1.1. The game’s development is a fantastic creative outlet for me, and while it does sometimes clash with my busy work life, I’m getting better and better at finding time for it ;)